Spinach Sweetness

Most people might think, adding vegetables to make a smoothie doesn’t taste good. Besides the fact it’s very healthy, it does taste very good. For instance, you can add fruits to make it sweet. I am also kind of new to this, making smoothies. I can tell you it indeed is fun to try new blends everytime. Today I made myself this one;


* 200 ml. ‘Healthy People’ juice, blueberry-raspberry flavor
* 100 ml. water
* 1 banana
* 150 gr. fresh blueberries
* 1 piece of sellery
* 2 kiwis
* 1 handfull of spinachleaves

Ofcourse don’t put all of it in the mixer at once, but put the ingredients in gradually. Blend this all together, poor yourself a glass and if you like sprinkle some shredded coconut on top. All together this is good for about 800 ml. So you will have enough for at least 2 days.

Enjoy!Spinach Sweetness Sweet Spinach smoothie 2

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